About Me

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TN, United States
Proud Mom of two wonderful children!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Saturday Morning

There are the mornings, early when the sun is shinning down...

Clothes on the line, laundry in the wash

Laughter going up like bubbles in the air
Saturday mornings how I like to remember them

Listen, hear that WVOL
I know, Mighty 147

You Make Me Feel Like Dancing is playing, my aunties snapping, popping, all while their mopping
Cleaning, while the grown folk jaws do their chopping

I 'll get it...Coffee, saucer, cup, everybody is getting up
Saturday morning, this is how I remember

Miraculous, Vinegar, water, works well with paper
Brings the feeling of life right into view

People going, people coming, saying hi and bye

Living, and Loving too
Waking up in my Grandma's house the way I use to do

Saturday morning, how I like to remember them, it feels so long ago
Saturday morning, how I will always remember,so my kids will know

Monday, March 5, 2012

Now, the Adult me realizes that these things simply are not true!

The struggle to be healthy and happy continues. I don't remember when being happy was not attributed to being skinny in my mind. Seriously, when i consider my childhood on up to my present I am realizing that i believed that the happiest people were skinny, light skin (this is one way that African Americans describe people with a lighter complexion)white, and not on free lunch (they brought corn beef sandwiches in strawberry shortcake lunch boxes).

Now, the Adult me realizes that these things simply are not true!

I will confess that tonight when I was on the treadmill (waiting and watching for my  legs to literally break off just above my ankles and splatter blood all over the row of the equipment) that I was fighting the urge to blame my current health and mental status on something, anything or anyone other than my lack of self disclipline.

The moment you realize you are your own problem...awkward.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

All is well and God is good

All is well and God is good.  Going through a few things, personally, but work is good and I know that there is value and lesson in tribulation.

Keep going!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There is a lesson in lonely…

Have you ever been so happy and excited about something you just wanted to tell the important person in your life what just transpired, detail for detail?
Picking up the phone to dial, text, or BB that one who is the first to hear everything and then the realization hits that the life line you are reaching for is no longer online. Damn, Damn, Damn (in my Florida Evans voice)!

I consider this one of the many definition’s of lonely. Anytime I meet lonely at the end of one my days, I force myself to look for the lesson(s) that it offers up.

Silence forces you to listen …and I am hearing plenty.

Monday, May 16, 2011

I walked tall all day today

This has been the best Monday that I have had in a long time :)...

I walked tall all day today. I Looked good, I felt good and the day was good.

Thank you Jesus...for the blessing(s) of this and everyday.

I am so very thankful for my family, friends (Faithful old ones and Amazing new ones), and this season of continuous miracles!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Breath, I say: One thing at a time, I say: Who am I kidding? Ahhhhhhhhh(screaming out loud)!

One day out from the start of the 2010 school year and I am feeling the panic!

Traffic, school supplies, lunch money, extra groceries, school supply list, the never ending list of fee request, and fundraisers that will no doubt be coming home with the kids.

Breath, I say: One thing at a time, I say: Who am I kidding? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (screaming out loud)!

To usher the school year in right I marched right in yesterday evening to have the conversation with kids and dad about the importance of study this year. In school years past as much as I have fought the hypnotizing trance of the boob tube, I have fought, and lost, the time grabber and butt widener with little and often no success.

The looks on everyone’s face assured me that I was successful in becoming the official bad guy for the school year. I usually allow myself a few weeks, even a month in before I am given that honor. Oh, no...this year I am jumping straight in to take the torch.

Let me tell you, I did not receive one argument from dad about it, or anyone for that matter. They all sat quietly as I went over the difference of homework time versus study time sharing that they would experience the joy this school year of having both daily (to which they gasped). It was important to make it clear that there would be very little time for much else during the week.

Oh Joy, Let the GAMES begin!

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

having faced this fear and conquered it…

Star date 07/20/2010, log:

I pulled up just in time to catch the shuttle; it was pulling up just as I was rushing from the car and dashing across the street. This was so nice, a great start to the day, until I noticed that I did not have the car key . Upon looking back, there it lay, alone, in the street. Such a critical decision at 8:30am….

I let the shuttle roll on by, without me.

Today I had a meeting with my boss and I kept my composure. Yes, I resisted the urge to share my inner most feelings about the total lack of response on his part ….lol, insider.

This evening, I went to handle a personal business matter and of course working at the counter would be someone that I knew personally, someone that we both know, personally.Darn! I looked from at all the folks at the counter and amongst those of us in line, quickly trying to determine whether or not, she would wait on me, gesh…my lucky day.

As fate would have it, I drew the window next to hers and was able to handle the matter, but I would not be so lucky as to get out of there without "catching up"…you know the photos, status updates, and the question that I try so hard to avoid…are yall still together? Gasp!!...I didn’t faint, didn’t fall out, or break down in tears as I had anticipated (you see I have these scenarios play out in my head all the time). I was able to smile and shake my head to denote, no, we aren’t…I am going to count this as a success because I was able to say with great confidence, “We’re good though, real good”…

As I left, I felt such a sense of accomplishment for having faced this fear and conquered it…The fear of acknowledging that there is no longer a “we”, only me.