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TN, United States
Proud Mom of two wonderful children!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

tomorrow, I will continue to live my life with Passion and no Regrets!


There are only sounds to describe what I am feeling right now. It is early on Saturday morning (1am or so) and I have managed to get through a rather rough week. So here I sit with the feelings all coming down at once. There simply are not many words…

The one that promised to be there always and not to hurt me, well… he changed his mind…awwhhhh

So the job that I interviewed for, the interview that went really well; Today, I learned that they choose another candidate. Umph…

This evening it is possible that I met her...smh well, let me just say that God is constantly looking out planning for me, and I do thank him. He will always make sure that I know just what I need to know, just when I need to know it….Smhumph…

It is ok, it is fine, and I am wonderful because, there is something so powerful about learning that when everything around you is caving in that you are safe in the arms of the one that loves you best. I tell you it is a reminder of the sweet, sweet spirit that is ever present and it is comforting to me like the wind on my face or like hearing the fall rain while I lay sleeping

I will have my cry and then I will sleep, tomorrow, I will continue to live my life with Passion and no Regrets!

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