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TN, United States
Proud Mom of two wonderful children!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

There are several things that need to be tackled during this year!

It is the 5th day of 2010 and I have committed to having a wonderful year no matter what….There are several things that need to be tackled during this year: My finances and credit, my career, my relationships, my self –image, and my weight!

First order of business has to be my career or the lack there of...

It is crystal clear that I need to evaluate my current employment:

Can I take care of my family on what I make? No, I am operating monthly, weekly, daily at a deficit, in the red, etc.

I, like many folks, am barely staying afloat. As I see it, there are a few choices here go back to school, look for a part-time job, or look for a better job all together (I spend a little time each day on the latter).

Is it meaningful? I am excited about the greater purpose that my department serves. The thing is that I want to feel like I am making a greater, direct impact on a purpose that is for a greater good.

The question I ask is “Why can’t I step into a career that will pay me the median income, at least, for a family of 3 in this city that is meaningful?” This is frustrating, I have revised, and revised my resume, I just can’t tweak it anymore.

Ok, I have worked full time, parented, and gone to school for as long as I can remember, 1st getting and Associates Degree in Computer Technology, then getting a Bachelors degree in Management and Human Relations, and most recently completing a Masters of Science in Management.

I am not feeling like anybody owes me anything, at all, more like, wow…I am a proponent of life long learning and I want to impart that to my kids and others so they will value the learning process, and be willing to develop self, but when they ask me why?, when they can see no pay off in me..I have no adequate response or tangible results to support my encouragement.

I am more than grateful to have a job, when so many don’t. I just can’t quiet the desire to not just have a job, but to have a career. A career in which I am actually apart of a solution(s).

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